Be Camera Ready - Helpful Tips

- Just do it! Your photo will help you be more memorable on your web page, press releases, brochures and social media sites.
- Clothing colors that compliment you and your branding colors give that professional edge.
- Wear clothing that fits well – not too tight and not too loose, are fresh and wrinkle-free. Bring a couple options for your photographer to choose from. Consider styles that are flexible through changing seasons.
- Clothing that reflects your personality and compliments your profession also makes you feel good. Your facial expression is the most important part of the photo and we don't want it to get lost in bold patterns/prints. IF... your business is Hawaiian BBQ... wear that bright print... it's part of your branding!
- A great photographer will guide you into poses that are complimentary for you. Remember the camera represents your clientele. You neither want them looking down on you or you looking done on them.
- Direct eye contact is a business essential.
- Imagine the camera is your best client. Greet the camera as you would this person. This helps increase your authenticity as you get a photo that lets them feel they want to work with you.
- Know which side of the web page your photo will be placed. You always want to face into the page. Turning your back to the page content is often translated as disconnected and possibly unapproachable.
- As strange as it may sound, “Practice makes perfect!” Look in the mirror, smile at yourself! Notice what it takes to get a genuine reaction and expression. A good photo is just a conversation away.
- Updating your photo regularly is highly recommended. Change your hairstyle or grow a beard? Update.
- Let your images support and enhance your business with the best “conversation”. Kate’s tips to be photogenic
- Professional retouching is done for all purchased images and yet retains true facial character.
Retouching includes smoothing skin texture, removing shine and unwanted blemishes, brightening eyes and teeth.